Quickly Learn How to join someone's live on TikTok



April 9, 2024

Are you stuck on how to join someone's live on TikTok? Then this article is for you. In 2019 TikTok introduced the live option for creators to make the platform more interactive.

However, it might sometimes be challenging for non-tech savvy persons; that's why in this guide, I will be going through how to join someone's live session on Tiktok.

It can be done by getting an invite to join a live broadcast by the host or you requesting to join.

How to join someone's live on TikTok

There are two methods of joining someone on TikTok, now let’s look at them individually;

Going Live individually

1. Start the Tiktok app

2. After entering, select "Live" (find it on the top left of the screen).

3. Locate the stream you wish to join.

4. Next, choose the gray "Send a guest request" button.

5. You can also add a comment using the pink and blue cross circles to the right.

6. Clicking this will start a conversation with the request option.

7. Click it and wait for your screen to display "Guest request sent" before continuing.

8. All left is to wait for the host to approve your request.

Note: You should remember that you may only join a live broadcast if you received an invite or the person streaming it has granted your request to do so. Continue talking with your favorite Tiktoker so they can invite you to join them in a live broadcast, so there is no misunderstanding.

Get an Invite to join.

The person streaming may send you a joining invitation. They only need to launch the live broadcast and click the identical pink and blue circles, which will now appear in the bottom left corner. They will see the contacts and others they may invite to broadcast with them.

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Why can't I join someone's live on TikTok?

Every user can join a live broadcast on TikTok provided the host has invited them, or he/she has sent a request to join the live broadcast.

But If you are having issues joining someone's live, then probably it might be some little malfunctioning/bugs in the app, which can be fixed simply by just clearing your cache on the TikTok app, restarting or uninstall

What are the TikTok live requirements?

TikTok will only allow you to go live on their platform if you are 16 years of age, which is determined when you first create your account. Secondly, you must have at least 1,000 followers to access TikTok.

Live access is needed to go live as a guest.

This means that you will need access for you to join a host on TikTok as a guest.

  • You can do this simply by;
  • Opening the TikTok app
  • Tap on the live icon at the top left corner
  • Next, search for the host you want to join
  • Click on the button at the bottom left of the screen.
  • Then send a request and wait to be accepted by the host.

What does it mean when someone invites you to watch their life on TikTok?

To put it shortly, it means a user (host) is life and wants you to join them in the live broadcast.

This can happen when the host knows or has a close relationship with you or believes being present in the broadcast will make it more value-packed.

Live access is needed to go live as a guest without 1000 followers.

To access TikTok Live, you must have at least 1,000 followers. To start a . For a LIVE, you must be at least 18 years old to give and receive gifts.

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Joining someone's live on TikTik is straightforward, as discussed in this article; you must either be invited by the host or request to join the live broadcast.

I hope this guide was helpful and helped you find your way through joining someone else's live broadcast on TikTok.

Please comment on what you did and how you applied this strategy.

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